Thanamalwila is located north of the Hambantota town and borders along with the main river system which often rages when there is ample rainfall. The unique ecosystem offers varying levels of wildlife which cannot be found in other parts of Hambantota. For example the Thanamalwila River. Thanamalwila is located north of the Hambantota town and borders along with the main river system.
People usually consider making a quick stop here before heading to the neighbouring cities. Thanamalwila Devram Vehera Rajamaha Viharaya is one of the hundreds of ancient temples belonging to the Magama Kingdom lying in the Hambantota District. Like many others, the archaeological value of the temple has been long neglected and is bound to disappear soon.
You will be lavishly experiencing the picnic excursions in the nearby area paving the way for you to enjoy the visits not only to famous nature reservoirs and historical Buddhist temples but also to typical rural village experience of the country and grab many more thrilling moments.